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About the Language Test Centre

About the Language Test Centre

An easy way to test reading, listening, writing and speaking

The Language Test Centre gives you access to online tests of Boom Uitgevers Amsterdam. With a licence for the Language Test Centre, you can prepare, administer and evaluate A1, A2 and B1 level online tests for your students.

NT2 level tests

Reading, listening, writing and speaking at A1, A2 and B1 level. The tests for level A1 are currently being developed.


If you would like to determine the listening, reading, speaking or writing level of your NT2 students or if you are looking for a non-curriculum based final test for your NT2 course, the Language Test gives you access to eight new non-method based tests. These tests are suitable for non-native speakers with a medium to high level of education taking courses to achieve level A1, A2 or B1. Instructors can use these tests to gain insight into the language level of their students. The four skills (reading, listening, writing and speaking) are tested separately. Two versions of each test are available.


The tests were developed based on a functional perspective of language acquisition. Test questions deal with all kinds of situations which language learners with a medium to high level of education can relate to. There is a very broad range of texts for the listening and reading tests, including a mix of authentic and semi-authentic material. The speaking and writing tests pertain to familiar and realistic tasks.


The NT2 level tests are based on the Common European Reference Framework (CERF). All tests have been extensively pretested, statistically analysed and approved by a broad exam committee composed of various experts in the NT2 field.


The NT2 level tests have been developed by the Institute for Dutch Language Education (University of Amsterdam), Language Center Tilburg University, Radboud in’to Language (Radboud University) and the Language Centre of the University of Groningen in cooperation with Boom.



Starting with the language test centre?

Boom offers an obligation-free presentation or comprehensive implementation training course for the Language Test Centre and the NT2 level tests.

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