For the integration exam in the Netherlands, a minimal level of A2 is required. The exam consists of the following components: Knowledge of Dutch Society (KNM), Orientation of the Dutch Labour market (ONA), and the four language components reading, listening, speaking, and writing. For more information about the integration exam in the Netherlands, go to
The ‘Delft Method’ Basiscursus 1 is intended for beginners who want to learn Dutch and have at least completed primary education. The teaching method takes students from level 0 to A1 in 16 lessons, after which they w...
The ‘Delft Method’ Basiscursus 2 is intended for non-speakers of Dutch who want to learn Dutch and have at least completed primary education. It is a follow-up course to Basiscursus 1. The teaching method takes studen...
This is the revised edition of the first complete book for the Knowledge of the Dutch Society exam, Kom verder!. The revised edition is more compact, clearer and effective than the first edition.
The topics on whi...
REFLANG#Lees meerThe KNM examentraining offers students an overview of the mandatory course material for the exam component Knowledge of Dutch Society (KNM) of the integration exam in the Netherlands. The attainment targets are clearl...
In 2015, the exam KNS has been changed. The exam has been divided in two parts: Knowledge of the Dutch society (KNM) and Orientation on the Dutch labor market (ONA). KNM looks like the old KNS, but with slightly diffe...
REFLANG#Lees meerLINK is voor praktisch geschoolde cursisten en is niet geschikt om als zelfstudie zonder docent te gebruiken. Werk je met theoretisch geschoolde cursisten? Kies dan voor LINK+.
Het is mogelijk om een jaarlicentie ...
Hoe vind je als nieuwkomer een baan die bij je past? En welke uitdagingen kom je dan tegen op de werkvloer? De uitgave Welkom op de Nederlandse arbeidsmarkt biedt alle handvatten om cursisten hierin te begeleiden.
In order to successfully integrate in the Netherlands, it is important that one knows about Dutch society. Bagage familiarises students with Dutch society by means of ten themes. The teaching material is geared toward...
REFLANG#Lees meerIn Welkom in Nederland maken anderstaligen kennis met de Nederlandse maatschappij en kunnen ze zich voorbereiden op het onderdeel 'Kennis van de Nederlandse maatschappij' (KNM) van het inburgeringsexamen. Ook wordt er...
REFLANG#Lees meerCode Plus consists of four parts. Each part leads to a certain level in the the Common European Framework of Reference (in Dutch; Europees Referentiekader voor Talen or ERK):
Each level has its own exercise book a...
Van start, In zicht en Vooruit! vormen samen de leerlijn voor midden geschoolde cursisten.