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Spreken op B1 herziene edite kaft
Spreken op B1 - herziene editie
Examentraining spreekvaardigheid voor het Staatsexamen I
€ 31,95
Spreken op B1 herziene edite kaft
Spreken op B1 herziene edite kaft - Slide 2
Spreken op B1 herziene edite kaft - Slide 3
Spreken op B1 herziene edite kaft - Slide 4
Spreken op B1 herziene edite kaft - Slide 5
Spreken op B1 herziene edite kaft - Slide 6
Spreken op B1 herziene edite kaft - Slide 7
Spreken op B1 herziene edite kaft - Slide 8
Spreken op B1 herziene edite kaft - Slide 9
Spreken op B1 herziene edite kaft - Slide 10
Spreken op B1 herziene edite kaft - Slide 11
Spreken op B1 herziene edite kaft - Slide 12
Spreken op B1 herziene edite kaft - Slide 13
Spreken op B1 herziene edite kaft - Slide 14
Spreken op B1 herziene edite kaft - Slide 15

Spreken op B1 - herziene editie

Examentraining spreekvaardigheid voor het Staatsexamen I

Nicky Heijne, Karolien Kamma
Uitgave: boekUitgave: website Niveau: b1
Isbn: 9789024455546
Delivery time 1-2 business days
€ 31,95
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Spreken op B1 herziene editie (revised edition) is intended for students preparing for the Speaking section of the State Examination NT2 I. It prepares the candidate for the types of questions that will be asked, explains assessment criteria and teaches the student useful strategies to face the exam with confidence.


The revised edition brings a more comprehensive explanation of all exam items and a fresh new design. In addition, speech recognition has been added to the online platform, allowing you to immediately see on the screen what you have spoken.


This book is also suitable for non-native speakers who want to train and improve their speaking skills at this level.


The online component of this product is suitable for laptop and PC, but does not work on smartphones and tablets. This online service works on Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge.


State Exam Training Series

Spreken op B1 is part of the series Staatsexamentrainers from Boom NT2. Per exam section (reading, writing, speaking, listening) there are exam trainers on levels B1 and B2.


Speaking B1 herziene editie gives the candidate insight into the structure of the exam. The various assessment criteria are discussed in detail, and various exercises allow the student to test their ability to meet all of them. A practice exam follows in the final chapter.


This book comes with a code, which gives you access to the corresponding website, where you will find the additional material.


The online component of this product is suitable for laptop and PC, but does not work on smartphones and tablets. This online service works with Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge.


With this product you have 1 year access to the online service with the learning materials.

Target audience

Spreken op B1 herziene editie is intended for non-native speakers preparing for the Speaking section of het Staatsexamen I (the State Exam I), and for students who want to train their speaking skills at this level.

Product details
Isbn: 9789024455546
Publisher: Boom uitgevers Amsterdam
Dimensions: 24.0 x 17.0 x 1.3 cm
Weight: 349 grams
Pages: 152
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