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Code Plus, Deel 1
Code Plus, Deel 1
Part 1
€ 49,50
Code Plus, Deel 1

Code Plus, Deel 1

Part 1

Vita Olijhoek
Uitgave: boekUitgave: website Niveau: 0-a1
Isbn: 9789006978308
Delivery time 1-2 business days
€ 49,50

CODE Plus Takenboek Deel 1 (part 1) is a method for students who start  learning Dutch. This first part of the series CODE Plus helps students improve their Dutch language to level A1.


The target audience is foreign speakers with a high level of education.


Code Plus consists of four partsEach part leads to a certain level in the the Common European Framework of Reference (in Dutch; Europees Referentiekader voor Talen or ERK):


- Part 1: Level 0 to A1 

- Part 2: Level A1 to A2 (Civic integration examination) 


For advanced students:

- Part 3: Level A2 to B1 (Staatsexamen NT2 level 1) 

- Part 4: Level B1 to B2 (Staatsexamen NT2 level 2)


Each level has its own exercise book and related website with a variety of practices, audio's and video's. Code Plus can be used in different ways: working  independantly as well as in a group or in contact with the teacher. It allows the student to study at a training centre as well as at home or even from abroad. 


An online guidance tool enables the teacher to guide, support and advice his students from a distance.


Students can start at their own level:


- Level   0 > A1   (Part 1)

Level A1 > A2   (Part 2)


For advanced students:

Level A2 > B1   (Part 3)

- Level B1 > B2   (Part 4)


See the tab Content for more information.

Target audience

Code Plus is suitable for foreign speakers with a high level of education who want to learn the Dutch language quickly and efficiently.


Vita Olijhoek

Marcia Schouten

Product details
Isbn: 9789006978308
Publisher: ThiemeMeulenhoff bv
Dimensions: 29.7 x 21.1 x 1.2 cm
Weight: 585 grams
Pages: 160

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