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Een cursus schriftbeheersing voor anderstalige analfabeten
€ 25,95
Alfaschrift - Slide 2
Alfaschrift - Slide 3
Alfaschrift - Slide 4
Alfaschrift - Slide 5
Alfaschrift - Slide 6
Alfaschrift - Slide 7
Alfaschrift - Slide 8
Alfaschrift - Slide 9
Alfaschrift - Slide 10
Alfaschrift - Slide 11
Alfaschrift - Slide 12


Een cursus schriftbeheersing voor anderstalige analfabeten

Mary van den Brandt
Uitgave: boek
Isbn: 9789085067412
Delivery time 1-2 business days
€ 25,95

Alfaschrift is a course that focusses on learning the Latin alphabet. Step by step, the students learn to write with the help of block letters specifically designed for this purpose. A solid command of writing serves as an excellent basis for acquiring further literacy, because good writing skills lead to faster recognition of the different letters.


Alfaschrift contains twenty lessons in which the students learn and practice the shapes and writing of all letters, and in this way they develop a fluent handwriting that is easy to write and easy to read.


Alpha NT2 B/C (Alpha NT2 C is equal to NT2 level A1)

Target audience

Alfaschrift has been especially developed for adults and is suitable for different target groups. The method has been developed in actual NT2 courses and is therefore useful for both illiterate immigrants and literate immigrants who are unfamiliar with the Latin alphabet.


Mary van den Brandt

Mary van den Brandt works with languages, language education, literacy and intercultural contact. She teaches various language courses, develops teaching material and has even designed a font for illiterates.

Product details
Isbn: 9789085067412
Publisher: Boom uitgevers Amsterdam
Dimensions: 24.0 x 16.8 x 0.7 cm
Weight: 194 grams
Pages: 83

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